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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Top 50 MBA Colleges and Universities in USA | US Universities with there Average GMAT Score

Check the US News Rankings 2011 for the best MBA schools in US. More than 400 MBA programs & colleges have been surveyed to derive and compile the following list. Ranking criteria used by US News includes Quality Assessment Score (Peer & Recruiter Assessment), Placement Success (Av. Starting Salary & Employment Rate) & Students Selectivity (Av. GMAT score, Av. GPA & Acceptance Rate).

Best Universities for MBA in US & Av. GMAT Score Required
Check the top 50 MBA colleges in US & the average GMAT score required to get admission to them
RankCollege Name & LocationAv. GMAT score
1Stanford University Stanford, CA728
2Harvard University Boston, MA724
3Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) Cambridge, MA718
3University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) Philadelphia, PA718
5Northwestern University (Kellogg) Evanston, IL714
5University of Chicago (Booth) Chicago, IL715
7Dartmouth College (Tuck) Hanover, NH716
7University of California-Berkeley (Haas) Berkeley, CA718
9Columbia University New York, NY712
10New York University (Stern) New York, NY715
10Yale University New Haven, CT722
12Duke University (Fuqua) Durham, NC697
13University of Virginia (Darden) Charlottesville, VA699
14University of California-Los Angeles (Anderson) Los Angeles, CA710
14University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (Ross) Ann Arbor, MI704
16Cornell University (Johnson) Ithaca, NY687
17University of Texas-Austin (McCombs) Austin, TX684
18Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) Pittsburgh, PA694
19University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler)Chapel Hill, NC686
20Washington University in St. Louis (Olin) St. Louis, MO695
21University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (Carlson) Minneapolis, MN694
21University of Southern California (Marshall) Los Angeles, CA690
23Emory University (Goizueta) Atlanta, GA680
23Indiana University-Bloomington (Kelley) Bloomington, IN664
25Georgetown University (McDonough) Washington, DC684

RankCollege Name & LocationAv. GMAT score
26Ohio State University (Fisher) Columbus, OH676
27Arizona State University (Carey) Tempe, AZ672
28Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA678
28University of California-Davis Davis, CA692
28University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI675
28Vanderbilt University (Owen) Nashville, TN673
32Brigham Young University (Marriott) Provo, UT675
32Texas A&M University-College Station (Mays) College Station, TX646
34Boston College (Carroll) Chestnut Hill, MA662
34Boston University Boston, MA681
34Rice University (Jones) Houston, TX672
37University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Champaign, IL641
37University of Notre Dame (Mendoza) Notre Dame, IN685
37University of Washington (Foster) Seattle, WA681
40Pennsylvania State University-University Park (Smeal)University Park, PA650
40Tulane University (Freeman) New Orleans, LA674
40University of California-Irvine (Merage) Irvine, CA673
40University of Iowa (Tippie) Iowa City, IA657
40University of Texas-Dallas Richardson, TX668
45University of Maryland-College Park (Smith) College Park, MD670
45University of Rochester (Simon) Rochester, NY677
47University of Florida (Hough) Gainesville, FL694
47Wake Forest University (Babcock) Winston-Salem, NC653
49Michigan State University (Broad) East Lansing, MI636
49Purdue University-West Lafayette (Krannert)654
50University of Arkansas-Fayetteville (Walton) Fayetteville, AR629

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MBA in real estate said...

Thanks for the list..Would help many who are looking for this information..

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