Raksha Shakti University (RSU) invites application for M.A in Cirminology course for academic year 2012
Selection Procedure:
How To Apply:
Important Dates:
Address :- Raksha Shakti University (RSU), new Mental corner, Meghaninager, ahmedabad-380016
Phone Number :- 079 -22683624
Fax Number :- 22683762
Email :- academicbr@rakshashaktiuniversity.edu
Website :- www.rakshashaktiuniversity.edu.in
- M.A in Cirminology
- Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with a minimum of 55% Marks (50% for SC / ST Category)
Selection Procedure:
- The University will prepare a list of candidates in order of merit in each category based on the marks obtained in the Graduation. The result of all candidates will be displayed on the notice board of the University on 29-Jun-2012 and also on the website: www.rakshashaktiuniversity.edu.in
- No separate intimation will be sent to the candidates in this regard. The cases of candidates securing equal aggregate marks in the Graduation will be determined by the University looking at the other academic distinctions of the applicant
How To Apply:
- Application Form can be downloaded from the website and send duly filled form by post or in person
- A demand Draft of Rs. 500/- drawn in favour of “REGISTRAR, RAKESH SHAKTI UNIVERSITY, Payable at AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT must be sent as application form fee
Important Dates:
- Last date of Submission: 26-Jun-2012
- First Merit List: 29-Jun-2012
- Last Date of Admission: 3-Jul-2012
- Second Merit List: 6-Jul-2012
- Last Date of Admission: 10-Jul-2012
- Third Merit List: 13-Jul-2012
- Last Date of Admission: 17-Jul-2012
- Commencement of Classes: 23-Jul-2012
Address :- Raksha Shakti University (RSU), new Mental corner, Meghaninager, ahmedabad-380016
Phone Number :- 079 -22683624
Fax Number :- 22683762
Email :- academicbr@rakshashaktiuniversity.edu
Website :- www.rakshashaktiuniversity.edu.in
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