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Nokia 808 PureView 41 Megapixel Camera | The Next Breakthrough in Photography
Nokia sets a new industry standard with the first in a range of high end experiences based on exclusive Nokia PureView imaging technologies.
Nokia 808 PureView Smartphones
Pure quality with PureView:
It’s time to think differently about photography. Say hello to perfect photos ready to share or print. Nokia PureView imaging technology turns the world of photography upside down. It takes every bit of image goodness captured by a 41 MP sensor and Carl Zeiss lens and turns it into beautifully detailed 5 MP photos and Full HD videos. Be ready to shoot in a second, even in low light, and share instantly with friends – all from a rather clever smartphone.
Nokia 808 PureView - BLACK
Nokia 808 PureView - RED
Nokia 808 PureView - WHITE
See a world of difference with the Nokia 808 PureView:
Look at the everyday through new eyes with the Nokia 808 PureView. See how new Nokia PureView imaging technology makes the world around you a giant canvas to express your creativity.
How good can a pixel be?
It’s not about the amount of the pixels, it’s what you do with them. Nokia PureView imaging technology can distil 7 pixels into 1 for stunningly sharp and clear 5 MP photos that are easy to share.
Zoom and zoom again
You can keep zooming – up to 3 times as close – with no loss of detail. It works with video too, so you can shoot Full HD video at 30 frames per second at 4 times zoom.
It’s a smart smartphone:
Capture more moments
Once-in-a-lifetime means just that. The Nokia 808 PureView is ready to shoot in less than a second to make sure you picture the action as it happens. After all, the world is full of stories of what might have happened and what could have been.
Bright flash for low light
Low light is no problem. With the Nokia 808 PureView you’ve got a powerful Xenon flash and LED video light on your side, so you're ready to catch spontaneous moments after dark.
Camera Features
Make more of your images
Give your pictures and videos a whole new social life with a range of brilliant apps for Nokia 808 PureView. Get real-time feedback to your photos with GetMeRated, update your networks with pictures using Pikchur, watch and share high-quality videos with Vimeo, or even create real postcards from your images with Postcard on the Run. Just visit Nokia Store to download the apps and start sharing.
Share Features
Rich recording
On-the-fly movies don’t need to have a muffled soundtrack. Record crisp, clear audio which catches every detail and ultra low bass, and won’t distort – up to a thumping 140 decibels – that’s just like a jet plane taking off. This is also the first smartphone with Dolby® Headphones, so you can enjoy Dolby Surround sound from any stereo headphones.
Sound Features
Apps, games, and much more
The Nokia 808 PureView brings you all the clever features you’d expect from a Nokia smartphone. Find your way with Nokia Maps. Enjoy the latest games and entertainment apps. Or simply set up life your way with business and social networking features from the latest speedy version of Nokia Belle.
Nokia 808 PureView Specifications Coming Soon -- Keep Visiting
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