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Monday, August 22, 2011

Choosing the Right Career | Tips to Choose the Right Correct Path

Choose a job you love so you never have to work a day in your life.

Children in today's competitive world are being pushed to the limits. They are asked or even forced to choose a career which their parents like or a career which is in trend. Well i feel that this is completely not the right thing to do. Every student or a child is different and has a set of likes and dislikes different from others. So forcing a career is not the right thing to do. Children should be allowed to choose a career or their own interest. A square peg in a round hole! This what we often hear from people who choose a career they are not made for .This is happening due to the reason that many people are choosing their career under the pressure from parents and society. A right career is a proper choice, judicial selection whereby an educated youth would grow in this professional world .Yet there are other factors like social status general trend parents choice or monetary gain which decide the fate of a career selecting young man .

Young students are forced to accept a career they never liked or preferred but accepted because it was their parents' wishes and dreams .this is the reason we have many young people who are unsatisfied with their jobs. Parents have the wisdom and foresight but its use should be limited to motivating, guiding and supporting the child, absolute control over what choices children should make in life. A career should be what the child personally loves and would like to spend his life pursuing. If a child achieves success in his life, I believe that the parents would be happy other than children failing in life because the parents forced him accept a career he didn't like. I would like to ask my worthy opponents if you would like to spend your life's doing what you never liked It is disastrous to choose for a child what he do not have ability to do just because it carries a big name. It is a present trend among Indians to send their own children for engineering or medicine; as if they are they are the only two job opportunities in this present day.

Today, times have changed we are living in the 21st century we have endless job opportunities all around usfor instance just think of web designing, nanotechnology, advertising, animation etc. If the parent do not allow a child to choose a career he likes it would lead the child to failure and if by chance he succeeds he would turn into a murderous doctor who misdiagnosis patients and a bad engineer who will build buildings that will collapse like a pack of cards.

Wake up, Its time to wake up! As I said before to choose a job you love, not what your parents love so you will never have to work a day in your life.

I would like to conclude this article by quoting the words of mark twain "a man cannot be happy without his own approval".

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